
Thermal Detection and Other Ways to Protect Employees from Covid-19

It became obvious that there’s no way to stop the spreading of the disease called Covid-19. The coronavirus as it is also popularly called is a virus that is much similar to the flu, but a lot more aggressive and dangerous.

So far in the world, tens of millions of people got infected by it. The entire industry suffered for months and it will take a lot of time until it is fully recovered too. At the moment, everyone should take the precaution measures coming as advice from the World Health Organization.

Creating a safe zone is not an easy task. We need to do everything there is in our power. If you’re a business owner, then implementing some security changes at the workplace is a must. As an individual, we all need to wear masks and maintain social distancing. See more from WHO on this link.

In this article, we’re going to talk more about the thermal detection and what are the other ways to protect the people working with you at the office. Follow up to learn more about these things and protect yourself and the people around you!

Thermal detection is an amazing piece of technology

Since artificial intelligence got into our lives, a lot of things became much easier to handle. In the case of the coronavirus, the whole spreading could’ve been stopped or much easily controlled with its help. However, officials didn’t take the threat seriously enough until it was too late to do something with it.

Now, when there are so many people infected around us and everyone’s a possible threat, we need to take all the possible precautions to avoid any contact with them.

Working in an office means that you have to share the same air with more people. The latest findings and studies show that the virus is being air-born. This means that the myth of staying on a proper distance will keep you safe is busted.

Everyone can be infected if they are in the same room with a person carrying the virus. This is why it’s crucial to prevent anyone that might be a possible threat getting inside.

This is why thermal detection, like the one from is so important to be installed on the entrance of the building where people get in for work. This item works by measuring everyone’s temperature which is one of the most common and most certain ways to find out if someone is sick.

The system can also be installed in places where lots of people transit daily. Places like bus and train stations, airports, markets, and of course, industrial facilities where people go to work. The machine is capable of scanning and detecting a higher temperature of up to 2000 people in an hour.

Since all of its work is done by an artificially intelligent computer who processes these readings, you can say that this is a pretty smart machine. This data is then processed to the monitoring room where a person sees everyone who is being scanned. If someone is suspicious, they immediately remove them from the area creating a safe zone.

Remote work

Not all companies have the option of sending people to work home. However, if the company is in the sector where people work on computers, then letting them work from home is the best option for everyone.

Today, there’s a ton of options considering the communication of the team. Apps and programs provide the ability to hold meetings of more than 100 people at the same time. With video and audio available for everyone, there’s nothing different than a standard company meeting.

The internet connection is a chance for everyone to do their jobs from any point on the planet. This year, the implementation of 5G networks make a huge difference in the internet data transfer. Everything is available now unlike before when the transfer of larger files was a problem.

In other words, remote work provides a great chance for companies to continue working like nothing’s happening and it also gives everyone the chance to learn how life is when people are not sharing offices.

A lot of people saw a blessing in this situation because they managed to achieve a much greater work-life balance. They say that this way gave them the chance to spend more time with their families and raised productivity because of the best possible working conditions. You don’t get to work in pajamas at the office, right?

Providing face masks and shields for every employee

Employees’ safety and health always come first. Without healthy and strong employees, no companies will be successful. That’s why you must do everything in your power to maintain good health.

You’ve probably seen some of the big corporations how they provided corporate face masks and shields for their employees. This is a great way to both protect the people working for you and run an amazing marketing campaign.

If the people working for you are often on the field and mix with other people, showing your company’s logo can be a huge plus for raising the awareness of your company and strengthening the brand. Everyone who’s into marketing knows how important this is. Learn more about brand awareness here.

If you let your graphic designers and marketers run their imagination a little, you can come up with some amazing ideas. It is obvious that the virus is here to stay and we’re not going to get rid of it so easily. That’s why doing something about this and finding a way to profit from it is the best thing you can do at the moment.

With this, you both provide maximum protection for the people running errands, delivering, driving the goods, selling in stores, or whatever it is on the streets in cities, and at the same time, you run a great marketing campaign that money can’t buy.

Installing everything hands-free

Technology gives us the chance to install some modern gadgets that everyone loves but for some reason, they are not existing everywhere.

The first place where you should start this change is the main door where lots of people touch the handle to open it. Place an automatic door that opens and closes on the sensor. This is not an unknown technology, it has been around for decades but it’s not present everywhere. This is the time to make your company a little fancier than before and prevent people from spreading Covid-19.

Then, the toilets. Toilets are the most common place where people spread viruses, bacteria, and everything dangerous for the health of people. Everything that can be replaced with items that are hands-free needs to be replaced.

Think about lighting, faucets, the toilet cistern system, and of course, again, the doors. All of these things are touched by many people who often have dirty hands and spread diseases. On the other side, everyone must go to the toilet at some point, so you understand how important this is.

Make sure you make everything hands-free, even the antibacterial liquid dispenser. There’s really no need for anyone touching the same item to wash their hands. It can be done by a simple machine which is too easy to be built.

Regular disinfection

When the shift is over, it’s best to disinfect everything. In most companies, it’s a routine for the cleaning person to go over the whole place. This can be boosted with a person who will do some spraying and make sure that by the time people come to work again, they’ll eliminate even the smallest chance for something to happen.

If the place is working in shifts, that those coming from the first shift will not be able to infect anyone from the second. Every single prevention can be valuable in times like these. See more about how this can help on the link:

What you also must do is ask every employee to maintain their personal working space clean. That means often washing hands and disinfecting with a solution every hour or so. This way, they’ll help stop the spreading of an eventual disease.

Of course, the main recommendations, like keeping distance and wearing masks are also a must. Together with the other measures, you can be sure that the chance for spreading of the virus will be set to minimum levels.


As you can see, some of the measures and ideas are pretty basic, like wearing a mask. This is the main prevention that everyone should take seriously. Some of the other solutions are backed by modern technology and they can be really helpful in stopping the virus.

Artificial intelligence and the use of the internet for business needs are now available for everyone. We should make the most of them as there’s no other way to do business. If employees must go to work and share the working environment with other people, then helping them with these items is not just an option or an idea, but more of an obligation for every business owner.