Converting Images to Various Formats Using Movavi Converter
As you probably know, images nowadays can come in a variety of different formats – ranging from the common ones such as JPEG, PNG, BMP and GIF to others that you may not even recognize such as PCX, XBM, or SGI. At times you may even come across an image that is in a format so alien that you can’t seem to open it – no matter what software you try to use.
Being able to convert your images will not only help you to view obscure formats, but it will also let you convert them to formats that you can edit, share online, or even shrink and compress. Assuming that sounds appealing, the one tool that you need to get the job done is Movavi Converter.
Regardless of whether you want to convert PNG to JPG, BMP to TIFF, or any other pair of formats – the process is easy enough with Movavi Converter. All you need to do is:
- Launch Movavi Converter.
- Click on the ‘Add Media’ button and choose ‘Add Images’ then select the image that you want to convert. If you want you could even convert multiple images at the same time by selecting them all.
- Click on the ‘Images’ tab near the bottom and choose the format that you want to convert your images to.
- Click ‘Convert’ to start converting the images that you added.
Contrary to what you may expect, Movavi Converter is capable of much more than just switching the formats of your images. It is actually a full-fledged media converter, so you can use it to convert both audio files and videos in the same fashion, and just as easily.
To add to that, Movavi Converter also has tons of other helpful features. With it you will be able to create animated GIFs from video clips, extract and save the audio tracks from videos, grab screenshots from individual frames of video, or even compress videos to conserve storage space.
If you want you could also edit some of your videos and media files in several ways. The tools in Movavi Converter will enable you to cut your video into segments, trim out unwanted parts, merge clips together, enhance the video quality, add customizable text fields, and much more.
As you may be starting to realize, Movavi Converter is capable of not only converting your images into the format you need – but a whole host of things on top of that too. Even if you just need it to convert your images for now, it never hurts to have the option to freely convert, optimize and even edit your media files – should the need ever arise.