
A tool that helps make your work easier

Making sure that your employees are on time can be hard especially because you are not there always to check on them. Once your business grows, you’ll even be busier than before and you will have to give them the trust to run the business while you are doing something more important. But what if they found a way to be always late when coming to work? You can’t be always sure that they are not being late. Also, it is very hard when you are still using the old way of keeping track of them; which is not always accurate since human error is inevitable.

Good thing that there is a new software called Time Clock Hub that can really be of help when you come to this point of your life. Sometimes, discipline is what you always need and it keeps track of everything that you want it to including employee daily schedule. It has a lot of features that you will really be interested in and a lot of big time companies have already been using this software. Even if you can trust your employees, it’s only fair that you can remotely handle and check everything even if you are far from them.

Keeps track of your employee’s time ins and time outs

Time Clock Hub really guides you in knowing whether or not your employees are being late or not. If you are having some doubts if your employees are doing something shady behind your back, you can now check in real time who is always late. It even captures a photo so you can prevent buddy-clocking from happening. These are just some of the fun features of this software and every business owner have never been happier.  You can make sure that they are not lagging behind.

Calculating the salaries of your employees for you

employee daily schedule. 1

It is really hard having to count your employee’s salary especially if there are a lot of them working for you. If they are always late, it becomes harder. Insert their vacation leaves if they used it, and you’ll be out if your mind double checking everything. Good thing that Time Clock Hub has a feature where, with just a click of a button, it will automatically show how much you should be paying a specific employee and the factors affecting it. nothing beats being 100% compared to personally calculating everything by yourself.

Customizing your own notifications

With Time Clock Hub, you can customize your notifications depending on what you need to know. Whether you want to check if your employees have clocked in and out on time, if they are starting their overtimes, or if they didn’t go to work at all. You can easily check everything remotely, as mentioned above. Just make sure that you are connected to the internet. This software can be installed on any platforms whether you choose to use a PC, laptop, tablet, or mobile phone. And it is compatible on any browser like Google Chrome, Safari, and many more. It works well even if you are using Android or iOS. This software really if for everybody who needs it.

New business owners and old business owners alike should start using this awesome to make their work easier and faster. No more late night trying to make each and every employees pay roll, because you can trust Time Clock Hub to do it for you.