
A Course to Help Entrepreneurs Reach Out to a Wider Audience Through Facebook


Marketers and business owners have had this love-hate relationship with Facebook over the years.

With Facebook reach sliding every once in a while, marketers and business owners are often left wondering if Facebook advertising is still worth the time, investment, and effort.

However, since Facebook has remained undisputed in terms of popularity, clout, and reach, many believe it is still the best online advertising option available.

Nowadays, investing in a Facebook advertising course is considered money well spent.

For starters, a Facebook advertising course can give valuable insight into the techniques and tactics marketers need to reach more people and make their online marketing efforts even more powerful.

Some of the insights and guidance a Facebook advertising course offers can cover some of the following:

Publishing of Evergreen Content

While the lifespan of a particular content can depend on diverse factors, usefulness is considered one of its primary components.

Come to think of it, no matter how old a post may be, it can still show up in the news feed if friends comment, share, or like it.

With that in mind, consider it vital to create evergreen content that will stay relevant for a long time.

Content that is interesting, useful, and of high quality will continue to generate engagement over time so make sure you post more of those types.


Posting Only High Quality Content but Less Often

To say we are living in an age where content overload is considered the norm is an understatement.

Facebook is no exception.

According to the social media giant, of the 1500 plus stories a user is likely to see when they log on to Facebook, News Feed will display only around 300 or so.

Understandably, as a marketer, one of your goals is to earn one of those highly coveted spots.

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t necessarily have to post a high volume of content just to get the attention you want.

Instead, it is recommended that energy and focus should go into the creation of interesting, relevant, and high quality content.

If truth be told, there are no rules as to how frequently posting should be done.

However, experts recommend posting twice daily to generate engagement.

Taking Advantage of Organic Post Targeting

Facebook’s organic post targeting gives marketers the opportunity to deliver content to users who are most likely to engage with it.

Putting it another way, Facebook gives marketers the option to target content to a particular group of fans.

As of the moment, Facebook has created 8 available options for targeting:

  • Education level
  • Age
  • Language
  • Location
  • Gender
  • Relationship Status
  • Post End Date
  • Interests

Case in point: you can target a particular content to 200 fans based on their educational status and age.

Only those users who are likely to be interested in the content can view it on their timelines.

Targeting posts to particular groups is considered an effective way of significantly increasing the post engagement rate.

Choosing Content that Will Best Resonate with the Target Audience

A study conducted indicated that Facebook audiences prefer links and videos more than they do images.

Furthermore, the study showed that images get the lowest numbers in terms of organic impressions.

While text only status as well as links ranked second, it was videos who won hands down in terms of generating impressions.

Take advantage of this insight by checking Facebook Insights to get a clear idea of the type of content that resonates well with the audience.

Also, consider introducing diverse formats gradually and track the results so you can gauge their respective performance.